
Post category: blog 29.11.2019
Green wine

Over the hills and far away lies a fairy-tale land where green wine is made. What kind of tale is it? Relax: it is a classic and it ends well. Indeed, the name of the land sounds quite poetic and you have to cross the continent to get there. It is a region as green… read more

Post category: blog 08.11.2019
A cork or a screw cap?

Although the content is more important than the bottle, there is no denying that packaging matters. When choosing wine, we are often strongly influenced by what we see. In addition to the graphic design of the label, we pay attention to the manner in which the bottle is closed. The majority of consumers do not… read more

Post category: blog 08.10.2019
How should wine be tasted and why is it a good idea?

Tasting can be associated with different products and situations. It may, for instance, make one think of supermarkets stands offering samples of products to customers rushing around with their trolleys. Fortunately, wine tasting is different: it is a conscious and deliberate process that takes time. What matters above all is a thoughtful assessment and a… read more

Post category: blog 28.08.2019
A happy life according to Scandinavians

Humans have always been looking for a means of achieving happiness and harmony. Over time, we began to distinguish between different attributes of happiness and ways of attaining them. This is where different lifestyles and, subsequently, trends originated from. These are claimed to be ready prescriptions for happiness. Nothing could be simpler: just browse the… read more